Frog Friends of Unama'ki


Join us a for a webinar with ACAP Cape Breton about their new iNaturalist project "Frog Friends of Unama'ki"!

Learn why frogs make great citizen science creatures, what kinds of information they tell us about the habitats around us, and why they are inviting people around Unama'ki to join them in submitting their frog observations. They will also talk about one of their restoration projects and why they're hoping that through restoring wetlands, they will support climate adaptation and flood mitigation for humans, as well as create healthier habitat for other creatures. 


Kathleen Aikens

Kathleen has a deep abiding love for jumping spiders, along with most other creepy-crawlies. Kathleen began working as ACAP Cape Breton’s Executive Director in May 2021. She holds a PhD in interdisciplinary environment & sustainability studies, a MSc in Natural Resource Sciences, and a BSc Biology (from Cape Breton University). Raised in Cape Breton, Kathleen has lived in six of the ten Canadian provinces, as well as Australia and Bhutan. 

Meaghan Fortune

Meaghan has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Cape Breton University. She has a passion for all things nature. Some of her interests include marine life, being out in the forest, and she is developing a love for plants and gardening.

Julia Cameron

Jules has a BSc. Double Major in Biology and Psychology from Cape Breton University, and is currently undertaking a graduate thesis in Environmental Studies from Dalhousie University. She has a strong passion for wildlife - especially birds, and enjoys birding throughout Cape Breton (Unama'ki). Her career goal is to be a conservation biologist, focusing on the habitat management of species-at-risk.

Rachel Clarke

Rachel has a BSc and an MSc degree, both in Environmental Science, from Acadia University. Rachel has worked as an intern at ACAP Cape Breton prior to attending university, and is excited to be back with ACAP as of January 2022 as an Ecological Monitoring Intern.  

This virtual event is being held in Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq people.